Web Accessibility Statement

Ozarks Technical Community College is committed to creating a diverse learning and working environment that is inclusive and accessible for everyone. Information on the college’s websites should be accessible to all students, faculty, staff, and other visitors, including users with visual, hearing, mobility, and cognitive disabilities.

In support of these efforts, the college strives to maintain its websites in a manner that is consistent with the World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C’s) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Level AA and the Web Accessibility Initiative Accessible Rich Internet Applications Suite (WAI-ARIA) 1.0 for web content. For more information about basic accessibility, recommendations visit Web Services.

Report a Concern

We take web accessibility seriously and rely on those who visit our websites to inform us of any accessibility barriers they encounter. We encourage anyone who may have encountered a barrier to accessing information or using one of our websites to report their concern.

While we will do our best to quickly respond to, and address your concern, please keep in mind that the college is a large institution with many different colleges, departments, web developers, and administrators.

If you experience any difficulty in accessing content on an OTC website or need the information in an accessible alternate format, please contact the Office of Web Services at web@otc.edu with the following information:

  1. The page or site you are trying to access (full URL please)
  2. The difficulty you encountered
  3. Possible solutions or workarounds that might assist you
Report a Concern

Accessibility Monitoring & Testing

OTC actively monitors all web pages to ensure content conforms to Section 508 accessibility requirements through tools like Moz, SEMRush, Funnelback Search, and W3. We actively work with the OTC Disability Support Services department with testing, updating, and enhancing user experiences.

General accessibility testing is performed monthly by web services using www.webaccessibility.com and accessibilitychecker.org and also by reviewing various external tool reports from Moz. Quarterly testing is performed in cooperation with the OTC Disability Support Department. The last testing date is listed below:

Last Testing: 05/10/2024

Accessibility Tools

OTC employs basic Accessibility tools throughout the website denoted by the following: Accessibility Tools Icon

Accessibility Tools

Additional Navigation Instructions & Aids

The contents of each page are split up into headings. h1 tags are used for the main title of the page, while h2 tags are the sections. While this makes the content easier to read, Opera can use the S and W keys to cycle forwards and backward through the headings. Also, visitors using recent versions of screen readers can navigate using the following keystrokes:

  • H to cycle forwards through the headings
  • Shift + H to cycle backward through the headings
  • any key between 1 and 6 to navigate to the next heading of that level (1 for H1, 2 for H2, etc.)
  • Shift + any key between 1 and 6 to navigate to the previous heading of that level
  • Insert + F6 to provide a list of all headings

All pages include a search box in the upper right part of the page. You can use it to search the site for relevant information.

Visual Design

The design of this site uses CSS for visual layout and has been tested on Edge, IE 11+, Opera, Chrome, and Firefox. In older browsers or browsers that don’t support stylesheets, the contents of this site are still accessible and usable.

Using the “Zoom” option in your browser, you can specify your own font size, and the visual layout will resize accordingly.

Third-Party Software Accessibility 

Canvas: Community Information


Related Policies, Guidelines, and Training

College Policy: 4.02(s) – Web Site Publishing

Website Policies: https://web.otc.edu/website-policies/ 

Guidelines & Standards: https://web.otc.edu/web-guidelines-standards/

Web Design & Development: https://web.otc.edu/webdesign/


Last Reviewed: 06-06-2023